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Upcoming Trips

Senior Greece Team

Senior Greece Team

Nov 8, 2024


Applications Due: 08/08/24

The team will engage in feeding homeless people, ministering to refugees, working with youth, and doing outreach in the community. This trip is designed to give you the opportunity to serve Greeks and in the heart of Athens.

Seniors 55+

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India Teaching Team

India Teaching Team

Feb 12 - Feb 21, 2025


Applications Due: September 2, 2024

This team will participate in India Gospel League’s ministries. The team will visit a leper colony, do a house or well dedication and visit multiple schools and homes for children. The team will teach church planters, pastors, women and youth leaders at a regional teaching conference.

Anyone can apply

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Ethiopia Discipleship Team

Ethiopia Discipleship Team

January 15 - January 24 2025


Applications Due: September 2, 2024

The team will help support the movement to Christ where over 3,000 Muslims have come to faith. On this trip, the team will learn about how to reach unreached people groups. The team will encourage and spend time with Ethiopian discipleship leaders.

Anyone can apply

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Greece Young Adults Team

Greece Young Adults Team

Mar 9 - Mar 16, 2025


Applications Due: September 30, 2024

DATES TBD --- This team works with Second Evangelical Church in Athens, Greece. The team will engage in feeding homeless people, ministering to refugees, working with youth, and doing outreach in the community. This trip is designed to give you the opportunity to serve Greeks and build relationships with them.

Young Adults - Trip is not open for applications yet

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Jamaica Student Ministries Team

Jamaica Student Ministries Team

Mar 15 - Mar 22, 2024


Applications Due: Oct 7, 2024

This team will build a house for a Jamaican family, run a Vacation Bible School, and engage in outreach in the community. Students in 6th grade and up are welcome.

Anyone can apply - Trip is not open for applications yet

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Kentucky Construction Team

Kentucky Construction Team

Jun 6 - Jun 12, 2025


DATES TBD --- The team will engage in construction work, farm labor, and outreach ministries at the Lend-A-Hand Center in Walker, KY. This trip is for people who have a heart to assist people in the Appalachian region of KY. Construction experience not required.

Anyone can apply - Trip is not open for applications yet

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Jamaica Young Adults Team

Jamaica Young Adults Team

Jun 7 - Jun 14, 2025


Applications Due: Jan 6, 2025

This team will engage in a construction project for a Jamaican family and engage in outreach in the community. College age students and older are welcome to apply.

Young Adults - Trip is not open for applications yet

Apply Today
Jamaica Family Team

Jamaica Family Team

July 12 - July 19, 2025


Applications Due: Feb 3, 2025

This team will build a house for a Jamaican family, visit a girl’s home, and host a VBS. The trip is conducive for families with children ages eight and older and allows you to engage in family discipleship.

Anyone can apply - Trip is not open for applications yet

Apply Today

What to Expect

  • Click "Apply" and fill out the form on Managed Missions
  • Wait for your application to be approved (2-4 days)
  • Pay your Deposit:
    • Online via Managed Missions
    • Mail a check to Covenant Church
    • c/o Ellarie Ivey
      4000 Corey Road
      Winterville, NC 28590

      Make your check payable to Covenant Church
      (Write the name of your trip on the memo line. Do not write your name on the check.)
  • Review all your information, documents, and meeting in Managed Missions
  • Complete your security training
  • Meet with your team three times before the trip
  • Be commissioned on stage at Covenant
  • Depart for country
  • Debrief after return


How do I raise money for the trip?
You will learn how to fundraise at the first team meeting. We will discuss best practices on how to write letters and create your profile on Managed Missions to be shared on social media.
What happens if I raise more money than the cost of the trip?
What is included in the price of the trip?
Can I make my own arrangements to travel to the airport?
Have you gone to this country or location before?
What is the food like?
Can I use my cell phone internationally?
How much cash do I bring?
What documents do I need for travel?
What vaccinations do I need?
How do you provide safety?